Array ( [0] => YY [1] => 09:00~21:00 [2] => Ended [3] => Cable car operation is
Ended today. [4] => N [5] => - [6] => - ) TOP
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Cable cars
more fun!Busan Air Cruise

TODAY 2024-05-19 21:33 Standard

Cable car operation is
Ended today.

Operating Hours
Ticket closing
Operation closing time 30분minutes ago

* Operation may be prematurely closed, depending on weather/ticket conditions.

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Event information

Meet the event and tourist information we'll give you at Songdo Cable Car.

2019 가족사랑 걷기대회

Event Day 2019.09.28 Date 2019-09-07 Views 6875

- 행사정보

을숙도 및 낙동강 수변 생태공원 일원을 가족과 함께 걸으면서 을숙도의 생태와 자연을 체험

- 행사내용
을숙도 및 낙동강문화관 인근 4Km 내외의 코스 걷기

- 부대행사
식전공연, 걷기행사, 무료체험 및 공연, 경품추첨, 먹거리 등


- 행사기간 : 2019.09.28