Array ( [0] => YY [1] => 09:00~21:00 [2] => Ended [3] => Cable car operation is
Ended today. [4] => N [5] => - [6] => - ) TOP
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Cable cars
more fun!Busan Air Cruise

TODAY 2025-03-31 23:29 Standard

Cable car operation is
Ended today.

Operating Hours
Ticket closing
Operation closing time 30분minutes ago
sunset Time 00:00

* Operation may be prematurely closed, depending on weather/ticket conditions.

Home Introduction of Cable car Attraction

Introduction of Cable carThe more you ride, the more you enjoy the Songdo Sea Cable Car!
Experience the more you enjoy it!


국내 최초, 최고, 해상타워를 이용한 최장 해상케이블카와
다양하고 재미있는 테마콘텐츠를 즐겨보세요.