Array ( [0] => YY [1] => 09:00~21:00 [2] => Preparing [3] => Cable car operation is
Preparing. [4] => N [5] => 740 [6] => 1390 ) TOP
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Cable cars
more fun!Busan Air Cruise

TODAY 2024-10-05 05:56 Standard

Cable car operation is

Operating Hours
Ticket closing
Operation closing time 30분minutes ago
sunset Time 00:00

* Operation may be prematurely closed, depending on weather/ticket conditions.

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Event/News News of the event where you can enjoy the Songdo Sea Cable Car more specially


News of the event where you can enjoy the Songdo Sea Cable Car more specially

[이벤트] 한가위 민속놀이 대잔치

Event Day 2024.09.14~2024.09.18 Views 3080

풍성한 한가위 연휴기간 전통놀이 체험!

남녀노소 온 가족 모두 즐겁게 이용하시기 바랍니다!


⦁ 기간 : 9월 14일 ~ 9월 18일 / 09시 ~ 18시

⦁ 장소 : 송도스카이파크 광장

⦁ 체험 종류 : 윷놀이, 제기차기, 투호놀이, 고리던지기 등

⦁ 전통놀이 체험은 누구나 무료로 이용할 수 있습니다.

※ 본 이벤트는 당사 사정에 따라 예고 없이 중단 또는 변경될 수 있습니다.



Traditional holiday fun! Fun for the whole family, young and old!


⦁ Period : September 14 ~ September 18 / 09:00 ~ 18:00

⦁ Location : Songdo Sky Park Square

⦁ Types of experience : Yuknori, Raised Kick, Touhou, Ring Throw, etc.

⦁ The traditional play experience is free for everyone.

※ This event may be canceled or changed without notice due to our circumstances.