Array ( [0] => YY [1] => 09:00~21:00 [2] => Preparing [3] => Cable car operation is
Preparing. [4] => N [5] => - [6] => - ) TOP
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Cable cars
more fun!Busan Air Cruise

TODAY 2024-05-20 01:15 Standard

Cable car operation is

Operating Hours
Ticket closing
Operation closing time 30분minutes ago

* Operation may be prematurely closed, depending on weather/ticket conditions.

Home Tourism Information Event information

Tourism InformationMeet the event and tourist information we'll give you at Songdo Cable Car.

Event information

Meet the event and tourist information we'll give you at Songdo Cable Car.

2020 해운대 모래축제

Event Day 2020.05.22 Date 2020-03-16 Views 6144

국제적 관광도시에서 펼쳐지는 세계 유일의 모래를 소재로 한 친환경 테마축제 '해운대모래축제'가

해운대해수욕장 백사장 일원에서 화려하게 개최된다.


- 행사내용 : 세계모래작품전, 모래조각대회, 나도 모래조각가 샌드보드, 퍼레이드, 개막식, 해상 불꽃쇼 등 예정

- 행사일정 : 2020.05.22~2020.06.07

- 행사장소 : 해운대해수욕장 일원