Array ( [0] => YY [1] => 09:00~20:00 [2] => Preparing [3] => Cable car operation is
Preparing. [4] => N [5] => - [6] => - ) TOP
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Cable cars
more fun!Busan Air Cruise

TODAY 2025-02-07 08:29 Standard

Cable car operation is

Operating Hours
Ticket closing
Operation closing time 30분minutes ago
sunset Time 00:00

* Operation may be prematurely closed, depending on weather/ticket conditions.

Home Event/News Cable car News

Event/News Here's the news from Songdo Sea Cable Car

Cable car News

Here's the news from Songdo Sea Cable Car

NO Title Date
162 [방송] 우리 이혼했어요(20/12/18) 2022-11-24
161 [방송] 연애의 맛(19/02/19) 2022-11-24
160 [촬영] 드라이빙 트래블러(22/11/01) 2022-11-01
159 [촬영] +8282수학여행(22/110/30) 2022-10-30
158 [위촉] 축구 프리스타일러 우희용 홍보대사 위촉 2022-07-18
157 [포토소식] 어린이날 100주년 이벤트 2022-05-06
156 (사)연제이웃사랑회 감사패 수상 2022-01-19
155 송도해상케이블카, 4년 연속 "교육메세나패" 수상 2021-12-16
154 부산관광공사 「부산 관광 랜선 투어」 영상 촬영 2021-12-07
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